• CaseStudy Xray IT Danmark

    May 10 2020

    X-ray & IT Danmark Secures Dentists across Denmark from Cyberattacks

    Since BlackFog has been installed X-ray & IT Danmark have seen almost nothing in the way of cyber threats and patient data is now secured and protected using BlackFog's on-device security.

  • Case Study Banking and Finance

    April 10 2020

    BlackFog in Banking and Finance

    Cybercrime is a lucrative business and the financial industry is under relentless attack from hackers. Cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in both sophistication and frequency as financial services firms become increasingly reliant on customer data and technology to run their businesses. Staying one step ahead of cyber criminals is critical.

  • Case Study CYANIT

    January 18 2020

    CYANIT secure clients mobile workforce with BlackFog

    CYANIT has found BlackFog to be the missing cog in the security wheel and the only solution that is blocking outbound traffic. While still early in the deployment phase, BlackFog is already blocking around 3000 threats each month.

  • Case Study TMG

    January 18 2020

    Tømmergaarden Secures its Weakest Security Link with BlackFog

    After Tømmergaarden started running BlackFog they noticed that the antivirus reports had zero issues with employees clicking on malicious links because BlackFog was blocking the threats before they even got to the devices.