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Virtual CISO

Using a virtual CISO solution (vCISO) gives you access to the expertise you need, without the time and expense needed to recruit a full time chief information security officer. This role can be challenging, especially for firms that have limited resources to dedicate to data protection. While you’ll still need a designated individual to meet data protection legislation requirements, a virtual CISO can handle much of the day-to-day work for you, from routine threat monitoring to immediate response should anyone make an unauthorized attempt to access corporate or personal information.

A dedicated team of experts can provide a detailed monthly assessment for your organization. No need to have your own dedicated teams, it provides everything you need out of the box to protect you from ransomware and other cyber threats with constant monitoring.

BlackFog vCISO

BlackFog provided a vCISO service provides the expertise you need without the hassle and expense of recruiting your own fulltime CISO.

  • Access to our threat intelligence experts when you need them*
  • Protection from cyberattacks including ransomware thanks to our Anti Data Exfiltration (ADX) technology
  • A custom branded Enterprise console managed by our team of experts
  • Detailed custom reporting for compliance and auditing

* Standard engagement utilizes BlackFog’s experienced CISO’s and law enforcement professionals with the ability to purchase additional time for emergency response in 15 min increments.

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