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BlackFog network blocking not working

If after installing BlackFog, it appears as though the Network blocking features are not working then please check the log file using the View > Log menu option. You will see details regarding the error at the top of the log file. You might see something like the message below:

# BlackFog Privacy Service Log File

Application Started: [2018-02-09 12:28:08] UTC 0

Username: SYSTEM
Processors: 2
Architecture: x64
Platform: Windows 7 SP1
BIOS Mode: Legacy

[2018-02-09 12:28:05] Privacy Service Starting…

[2018-02-09 12:28:05] DNS Cache Flushed

[2018-02-09 12:28:05] Policies committed

[2018-02-09 12:28:07] Failed to open BlackFog filter (577) Windows cannot verify the digital signature for
this file. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged,
or that might be malicious software from an unknown source.

[2018-02-09 12:29:05] Triggering Check for New Rules

This indicates that you need to update your Windows machine with the latest patches. Some earlier versions of Windows had problems recognizing legitimately signed applications using the SHA 2 certificates. Recent patches resolved this issue. It is normally only a problem for Windows 7 based installations not patched to the latest edition. Please ensure your system includes the patch for these new certificates according to the Microsoft Security Advisory 3033929.

Another possibility that network features are not working is because you are using IPv6 across your network. This is only supported using BlackFog 3.6 or later so please make sure you have updated to this release. You can verify if you are using IPv6 by visiting the following URL at

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